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Concerns about potential abuse

We are committed to preventing the abuse of individuals who have care and support needs, and we respond promptly when abuse is reported.

An online safeguarding alert/referral form is available via the link below. The form can be used by any agency, organisation or individual to alert Dudley Council to allegations or concerns about potential abuse of an adult with care and support needs.

If you suspect that someone is being abused then please complete the safeguarding alert/referral form by clicking on the link below.

Report a concern or referral

If you are a member of the public you can, if you wish, call and speak to an advisor instead. The Access to Adult Social Care Team is available on 0300 555 0055 from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours an Emergency Duty Team is available on 0300 555 8574.



For information on the Prevent Duty in Dudley please see the Safe and Sound website