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Policies and Procedures

The West Midlands region recognise that the main statutory agencies need to work together to promote safer communities and to deal with actual or suspected abuse. 

Dudley, in collaboration with other local authorities within the region, have adopted these procedures recognising that a consistent approach will help to achieve this. 

The procedures detail how the local authority and partner agencies will work together to fulfil the duties of the Care Act. It sets out how adult Safeguard concerns will be responded to when it appears to the local authority that an adult with care and support needs is experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, abuse or neglect. 

Documents / information

West Midlands Adult Safeguarding Procedures 

For information and documents relating to West Midlands Adult Safeguarding procedures please visit the WM Procedures page.

Local pathway for All agencies within Dudley who may encounter a victim or potential victim of Modern Slavery/Human Trafficking.  Agreed by both Dudley Safeguarding Adult and Children Boards. You can access all the information Modern Slavery/Human Trafficking pathway by visiting:

Professional Challenge and Resolution is a process of formally challenging a decision made by another professional, group or organisation. This procedure ensures that all professionals have a quick and straightforward means of resolving professional differences in order to safeguard the welfare of children, young people and adults.

Download the Professional Challenge and Resolution Procedure

The Multi Agency Professional Challenge and Resolution template is available to download here.

Hoarding is the excessive collection & retention of any material to the point that it impedes day to day functioning.

There are typically three types of hoarding:

  • Inanimate objects: This is the most common. This could consist of one type of object or a collection of a mixture of objects, such as old clothes, newspapers, food, containers or papers.
  • Wet hoarding: including substances arising from bodily functions, this has ramifications for hazardous waste and blood borne viruses (BBV) and health and safety.
  • Animal hoarding: This is on the increase and often accompanied with the inability to provide minimal standards of care. The hoarder is unable to recognise that the animals are at risk because they feel they are saving them. The homes of animal hoarders are often eventually destroyed by the accumulation of animal faeces and infestation by insects.

Whilst there is no overarching definition of neglect, Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership use the following definition:

The failure of any person, who has responsibility for the charge, care, or custody of an adult at risk, to provide the amount and type of care that a reasonable person would be expected to provide.

Neglect of this type may happen within an adult’s own home or in an institution. Repeated instances of poor care may be an indication of more serious problems. Neglect can be intentional or unintentional.

View more information on Adult Neglect here