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Thematic Learning July 2024 – Transitional Safeguarding

Date: Wednesday, 03rd Jul 2024 | Category: Uncategorized


DSPP thematic learning dissemination provides an opportunity for staff and partner organisations in Dudley to be made aware of the key learning from our quality assurance activity and case reviews along with offering information in relation to this learning.

To support this, a theme of Transitional Safeguarding has been chosen as this is a key priority for the partnership and links to a number of our reviews.

What is Transitional Safeguarding?

The term Transitional Safeguarding describes the need for, “an approach to safeguarding adolescents and young adults fluidly across developmental stages which builds on the best available evidence, learns from both children’s and adult safeguarding practice and which prepares young people for their adult lives”. (Holmes & Smale, 2018).

Transition is defined as a purposeful and planned process of supporting young people to move from children’s to adults’ services. (Nice Guidelines 2016).

Transitional Safeguarding Principles

Considering vulnerability rather than eligibility, building relationships and understanding that harm continues past the age of 18 is key

The transition from children’s to adult services can be a daunting prospect. Therefore, the approach to transition should be centred around five core principles. The aim of these principles is to ensure that young people have ’a good transition, whoever you are’. Our vision is for every young person in Dudley to feel empowered, informed and support during their transition.

Young people should have a transition plan that is personal to them and reflects their individual needs, aspirations and interests.

By establishing a clear and flexible plan, young people and their families can effectively plan for the future and easily adapt to changing circumstances. By keeping young people and their families involved in the planning and preparation process we can also manage expectations so young people are aware of the care we can realistically deliver.

Ensure young people have easy access to information on their transition. As part of our commitment to transparency we aim to clearly lay out the options available to young people whether they are eligible for council support or not. Young people should be included in their transitions and have their opinions heard.

We want to support young people to develop their own identities and abilities to live independently, where possible.

We will do this by having positive conversations about what young people can do for themselves to realise their ambitions to live the best life they can. We call this a ‘strengths-based approach’.

We aim to work with our partners from health, education and the voluntary sector to ensure young people are receiving the support they need to thrive and succeed with or without the support of services

Transitional Safeguarding Key Areas of focus

Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership know its partners work in a wide variety of settings, with adults of all ages, whose situations are all very different. We therefore deliver our safeguarding responsibilities in a range of different ways. In Dudley we are all committed to supporting adults on their own terms and in a way that works for them as an individual. This is what we mean by ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’.

This booklet outlines what Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership consider to be the basic best practice standards for ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’.

We believe that no decision should be made about an adult without them.

Section 42 Enquiry by Local Authority applies when the Local Authority have reasonable cause to suspect an adult in their area;

  1. Has needs for care and support (whether or not the LA is meeting those needs)
  2. Is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect and
  3. As a result of those needs is unable to protect him/herself against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.

Six key principles:

  • Empowerment: People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent.
  • Prevention: It is better to take action before harm occurs.
  • Proportionality: The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented.
  • Protection: Support and representation for those in greatest need.
  • Partnership: Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse.
  • Accountability: Accountability and transparency in safeguarding practice.

The MCA 2005 applies to everyone over 16 years who may lack capacity to make specific decisions about their life. These decisions can range from simple, everyday things to more complex life changing matters such as where they live or receiving treatment.

The MCA protects the rights of individuals by creating a framework for decision making where someone may lack the mental capacity to make the decision for themselves

Upcoming DSPP Training

What can you do?

  • Recognise harm does not stop at age 18
  • Be person centred and strength based
  • Be trauma informed – value lived experience
  • Start transition as early as possible, do not rush it
  • Plan the transition with clear timescales
  • Ensure all assessments and plans are up to date and ensure that transition planning takes into account each young person’s capabilities including considering/ assess mental capacity
  • Undertake joint visits with workers with a focus on handover
  • The point of transfer should not be based on a rigid age threshold and take place at a time of relative stability for the young person
  • Do not use non engagement as a reason to close cases

Coming soon…..

Please look out for our new Transition Exploitation Protocol which will be launched later in the year