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The Dudley Safeguarding Adults Board is the group identified to focus on the statutory duties under the Care Act (2014).

DSAB includes representatives from Dudley Council, West Midlands Police, the NHS, plus other agencies who provide services for adults in Dudley.

The Board ensures that each agency works together to protect adults from abuse and the risk of abuse.

The purpose of the Dudley Safeguarding Adults Board is described in Chapter 14 of the Care Act Statutory Guidance, issued under section 78 of the Care Act 2014. This requires the DSAB to: 

  • Publish a strategic plan for each financial year detailing how it will meet its main objective and what individual members will do to achieve the work plan. 
  • Publish an annual report that details what the DSAB has done during the financial year to achieve its objectives and strategic work plan and what individual members have done to implement the strategy, with specific emphasis being given to the positive impact this has on the lives and outcomes of adult with care and support needs who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing abuse and neglect. 
  • Conduct a Safeguarding Adults Review in accordance with Section 44 of the Care Act 2014. 

In all its activities the DSAB will advocate that the duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all as ‘everybody’s responsibility’ 

In order to fulfil its core duties the DSAB will develop a range of initiatives, plans, policies and procedures for safeguarding and promote the welfare of adults with care and support needs, in relation to: 

  • Adherence to the six declared principles of adult safeguarding 
  • The role, responsibility and accountability with regard to the actions each agency and professional group should take to ensure the protection of adults. 
  • Establish a method for analysing and interrogating data on safeguarding concerns and the outcomes of individual enquiries, which increases the DSAB’s understanding of the prevalence of abuse in its area. 
  • Establish methods of analysing and interrogating adults’ satisfaction with the outcomes that were achieved through the safeguarding process, which supports the DSPP to embed person centred approaches to safeguarding, as required by Making Safeguarding Personal. 
  • Establish how it will hold individual DSPP members to account and gain assurance of the effectiveness of their organisations arrangements. 
  • Determine its arrangements for organisational self-assessment, DSPP self-audit and peer audits. 
  • Establish mechanisms for developing policies and procedures for protecting adults. The DSAB should formulate these in collaboration with all relevant agencies, and will also need to consider how the views of adults with care and support needs, their families and informal carers will be represented. 
  • Identify types of circumstances that give grounds for concern and when they should be considered as a safeguarding concern and passed to the Local Authority for consideration of a S42 safeguarding enquiry. This should include referral pathways and guidance on thresholds for intervention. 
  • Embed strategies and ways of working that support staff to minimise the potential impact of issues relating to race, ethnicity, religion, gender and gender orientation, sexual orientation, beliefs, age, disadvantage and disability on abuse and neglect. 
  • Identify mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing the implementation and impact (on practice and culture) of policy and training. 
  • Develop effective mechanisms and protocols that support the effective commissioning of Safeguarding Adults Reviews, which includes local mechanisms that ensure lessons learnt are understood and embedded at all levels of staffing structures across the local safeguarding partnership. This will include identifying other processes that could be used review the effectiveness of local safeguarding responses. 
  • Develop mechanisms for ensuring the Annual Strategic Plan and Annual Report are conducted and published in a timely manner, so as to enhance the accountability of the DSPP to the local community. 
  • Evidence how individual members of DSPP have challenged one another and held other local boards to account, for example the Health and Wellbeing Board. 
  • Review and comment on the impact for safeguarding adults that arises from individual DSPP members organisational strategic decision making, including decisions that impact on the resources available to support the DSPP. 
  • The Dudley Safeguarding Adult Board will engage in any other activity that facilitates or is conducive to, the achievement of its objectives. 

In all its activities the DSAB will support the equality of opportunity for all individuals and meets the diverse needs and wishes of local adults in Dudley. 

  • Independent Chair, DSPP 
  • Partnership Manager, DSPP 
  • Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, Dudley MBC 
  • Chief Nurse, Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust 
  • Chief Officer, Healthwatch Dudley 
  • Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Adults, Black Country and West Birmingham CCG 
  • Director of Adult Social Care, Dudley MBC 
  • Head of Adult Safeguarding, Dudley MBC 
  • Head of Adults & Older Peoples Public Health, Dudley MBC 
  • Head of Community Safety, Dudley MBC 
  • Head of Housing Options and Support, Dudley MBC 
  • Head of Integrated Intelligence, Performance & Policy, Dudley MBC 
  • Head of Safeguarding, Black Country Healthcare NHS Trust 
  • Head of Safeguarding, Dudley Integrated Health and Care NHS Trust
  • Learning and Development Coordinator, DSPP 
  • Partnerships Officer, West Midlands Fire Service 
  • Service Lead for Dudley Disability Service, Dudley MBC 
  • Superintendent, West Midlands Police
  • Head of Black Country Probation, Prison & Probation Service

Annual Report

Dudley Safeguarding Adults Board must publish an annual report that tells people what it has done to help keep adults with care and support needs safe. It gives reassurance that partnership working in Dudley is strong, committed and has a collaborative approach to preventing abuse and neglect.

The latest Annual Report can be downloaded below: