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Sub Groups

Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership supports a range of operational working sub groups that ensure we review, monitor and hold accountable, and that the actions set by the Partnership are maintained in the best interest of the children, young people and adults of Dudley.

Information for sub group chairs and members

DSPP have produced Safer7 briefings to provide information on the roles and responsibilities of sub group chairs and sub group members. Access these below:

Purpose, Role and Responsibility

  • To meet legislative requirements, government guidance and implement recognised best practice to improve the safety and outcomes for adults who are at risk of exploitation from threats such as:
    • Organisational crime and abuse (Persons in a Position of Trust and Local Authority Designated Officer processes and policy)
    • Criminal Exploitation
    • Human trafficking
    • Modern slavery
    • Online harms and cyber crime
    • Prevent
  • To develop and maintain a work-plan which reflects the threat, risk and opportunities identified for adults at risk in Dudley and draw on identified and emerging good practice, guidance and legislation nationally and locally.
  • Lead and develop the strategy and work plan for how, through our partnerships, we will:
    • Prepare –To provide strong leadership; common definition; effective systems whilst working together to safeguard adults.
    • Prevent – To have a common understanding and approach to recognising and tackling contextual safeguarding concerns.
    • Protect – To have a planned immediate response to concerns or the first signs and indicators of complex safeguarding issues.
    • Pursue – To disrupt, arrest and prosecute offenders.
  • To identify the prevalence of complex safeguarding issues in Dudley
  • To understand operational processes across all partner agencies
  • To assist the Board to form a view as to the effectiveness of local arrangements regarding tackling complex contextual concerns
  • To gather, scrutinise and analyse data and performance information to identify any emerging patterns, trends and themes regarding contextual safeguarding concerns and provide quarterly reports as required into the Dudley Safeguarding Adult Board (DSAB)
  • Identify the need to undertake audits and address any need for change in procedures and practice presented by the outcome and evidence of such audits.
  • To monitor strategic risk and alert DSAB and DSPP to significant risk across the borough
  • Ensure opportunities to hear the voice of the adult, and carers, and all professionals are incorporated into the work of the group.
  • To identify and share good practice


Core membership of the Sub Group will include senior managers / decision makers within the following disciplines:

  • Dudley MBC
  • Dudley College
  • West Midlands Police
  • Black Country ICB
  • Dudley Group of Hospitals
  • Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • DSPP Business Unit

Purpose, Role and Responsibility

  • To meet legislative requirements, government guidance and implement recognised best practice to improve the safety and outcomes for children who are at risk from forms of exploitation such as child sexual exploitation (CSE), child criminal exploitation (CCE), children who go missing and those that are trafficked.
  • Have a clear understanding of the prevalence of child exploitation within Dudley.
  • To support the Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership and the wider multi-agency partnership in its duty to safeguard children and young people from harm, including harm caused by CSE, CCE, trafficking, modern slavery, and from going missing, in accordance with the policies, procedures and guidance of the Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership.
  • Lead and develop the strategy and work plan for how, through our partnerships, we will prevent children from being harmed by CCE and reduce the number of children who go missing in the borough, protect those who have been harmed, disrupt and prosecute offenders who have harmed/present a risk of harm to them and ensure that partners are effectively contributing towards each element of that strategy.
  • Ensure the delivery of this strategy through a delivery plan which will provide a sharp focus on the 5 strands of Prepare, Pursue, Protect, Prevent and Public Confidence
  • Make sure this delivery plan continues to be a live document reflecting the threat, risk and opportunities identified for children and young people in Dudley and draw on identified and emerging good practice, guidance and legislation nationally and locally.
  • Improve awareness, reporting and safeguarding of victims of CSE, CCE, missing and trafficked children in Dudley and to bring perpetrators to justice.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of services and procedures in this area, across the partnership, ensuring that these are managed in line with statutory guidance.
  • Maintain both a strategic and operational view of progress and impact of local arrangements in relation to missing children and for those Looked after Children placed Out of Borough.
  • Gather, scrutinise and analyse performance management information relating to the issues and provide quarterly reports as required into the Dudley Safeguarding Children group.
  • Identify the need to undertake audits and address any need for change in procedures and practice presented by the outcome and evidence of such audits.
  • Ensure opportunities to hear the voice of the child, young people, protective carers and all professionals are incorporated into the work of the group.


Core membership of the Sub Group will include senior managers / decision makers within the following disciplines:

  • Dudley MBC
    • Exploitation Hub
    • Family Solutions
    • Children’s Services
  • West Midlands Police
  • Black Country ICB
  • Barnardos
  • Black Country Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Phase Trust
  • Safeguarding in Education
  • Public Health

Purpose, Role and Responsibility

  • To meet legislative requirements, government guidance and implement recognised best practice to improve the safety and outcomes for children, young people and adults who are at risk of neglect
  • To develop and maintain a work-plan which reflects the threat, risk and opportunities identified for children, young people, and adults at risk in Dudley and draw on identified and emerging good practice, guidance and legislation nationally and locally.
  • Lead and develop the strategy and work plan for how, through our partnerships, we will:
    • To identify the prevalence of neglect in Dudley
    • To understand operational processes across all partner agencies
    • To assist the Partnership to form a view as to the effectiveness of local arrangements regarding tackling complex contextual concerns
    • To gather, scrutinise and analyse data and performance information to identify any emerging patterns, trends and themes regarding neglect concerns and provide reports as required into the Dudley Safeguarding Adult Board (DSAB) and DSPP Executive
    • Identify the need to undertake audits and address any need for change in procedures and practice presented by the outcome and evidence of such audits.
    • To monitor strategic risk and alert DSAB and Executive to significant risk across the borough
    • Ensure opportunities to hear the voice of the child, adult, and carers, and all professionals are incorporated into the work of the group.
    • To identify and share good practice


Core membership of the Sub Group will include senior managers / decision makers within the following disciplines:

  • Dudley MBC
  • West Midlands Police
  • Black Country ICB
  • Dudley Group of Hospitals
  • Black Country Healthcare NHS Trust (Dudley Place)
  • West Midlands Fire Service
  • Dudley Integrated Health and Care
  • Change Grow Live
  • Healthwatch
  • DCVS
  • Public Health
  • Safeguarding in Education

Purpose, Role and Responsibility

  • The Learning and Improvement Sub Group will co-ordinate actions to learn from experience and improve services to safeguard children, young people and adults.
  • Implement the Learning and Improvement Framework will outline the method by which lessons are learned from the different activities of the Partnership and how they can best be disseminated and embedded in practice. The aim is to meet the challenges of a changing environment and to further improve safeguarding practice across all agencies. The framework should be flexible, responsive to changes and makes an integral contribution to the development of the annual business plan
  • To support the Partnership to create a learning culture where good practice becomes standard practice.
  • Co-ordinate learning and improvement activities undertaken by each person or body represented on the Partnership for the purposes of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults in the area.
  • Ensure the effectiveness of the learning and improvement activities undertaken by each such person or body for the purpose of safeguarding.
  • The Subgroup will develop a process and drive towards continuous improvement through the cycle of reflection and evolution of policy and service.
  • Use ongoing and regular reporting and auditing work to make informed recommendations to DSAB/DSCPG and DSPP regarding management and focus of the local priorities throughout all agencies within the partnership, and in particular recommendations as to specific multi-agency work required to improve those arrangements.
  • Use ongoing and regular reporting and auditing work to check whether multi-agency procedures are in line with good practice, making recommendations to DSAB/DSCPG and DSPP, particularly on the areas above which have been identified as local priorities.
  • Undertake internal environmental scanning of emerging themes from regular reporting and auditing work and considering whether a response to local need on specific areas of safeguarding is required. Ensuring that DSPP is able to make informed decisions to take forward any actions.
  • Use external environmental scanning to ensure policies and procedures are informed by local, national and international research and identify best practice.
  • Ensuring that DSPP is able to make informed decisions to take forward any actions.
  • Receive referrals from partner organisations and make decisions regarding undertaking Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and Safeguarding Adult Reviews. Establishing a Panel from the Children and/or Adult Groups to undertake safeguarding adult reviews and rapid reviews for child safeguarding practice reviews of cases in line with any National guidance.
  • Make recommendations (for adult reviews to the Independent Chair and for children via the CSPR panel), following scoping exercises for adult reviews and rapid reviews for children as to whether review should take place and to make a decision about the type of review. The Business Unit will then notify regulatory bodies of the decision including the National Panel about whether a review is appropriate, or whether the case may raise issues which are complex or of national importance such that a national review may be appropriate.
  • Monitor activities arising from the reflective activities within the partnership arrangements.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Child Safeguarding Practice and Safeguarding Adult and other types of Learning Review
  • Learning from Child Death Overview Process (CDOP) in relation to safeguarding
  • LeDer Reviews
  • Follow the agreed process for disseminating learning to the wider workforce across the partnership


Core membership of the Learning and Improvement Sub Group will include senior managers / decision makers within the following disciplines:

  • Dudley MBC
  • CGL (Substance Misuse Service)
  • Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
  • West Midlands Police
  • West Midlands Fire Service
  • HM Prison and Probation Services
  • Here4Youth including young people’s drug & alcohol service
  • Black Country ICB
  • DSPP Business Unit
  • Black Country Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Safe and Sound via Community Safety Partnership

Purpose, Role and Responsibility

The Quality Assurance and Performance – Children sub group is a formally constituted arm of Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership (DSPP). It is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of what is done by partners, individually and collectively, to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in Dudley and to advise them on how to improve.

  • To monitor the effectiveness of local safeguarding arrangements from a single agency and a multi-agency perspective;
  • To promote high standards of safeguarding work and to foster a culture of continuous learning, improvement and challenge across the partnership;
  • To coordinate and challenge multi-agency audit and quality assurance audit activity;
  • Agree and coordinate the DSPP Performance Framework including reporting good progress and exceptions via a performance dashboard.


Core membership of the group will include senior managers / decision makers within the following disciplines:

  • Dudley MBC
  • West Midlands Police
  • Black Country ICB
  • Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Dudley Group of Hospitals
  • Change. Grow. Live
  • Health Watch
  • Probation Services
  • DCVS
  • West Midlands Fire Service
  • Safeguarding in Education

Purpose, Role and Responsibility

The Quality Assurance and Performance – Adults sub group is a formally constituted arm of Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership (DSPP). It is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of what is done by partners, individually and collectively, to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults in Dudley and to advise them on how to improve.

  • To monitor the effectiveness of local safeguarding arrangements from a single agency and a multi-agency perspective;
  • To promote high standards of safeguarding work and to foster a culture of continuous learning, improvement and challenge across the partnership;
  • To coordinate and challenge multi-agency audit and quality assurance audit activity;
  • Agree and coordinate the DSPP Performance Framework including reporting good progress and exceptions via a performance dashboard.


Core membership of the group will include senior managers / decision makers within the following disciplines:

  • Dudley MBC
  • Black Country ICB
  • West Midlands Police
  • Dudley Group of Hospitals
  • Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Change. Grow. Live
  • Health Watch
  • Probation Services
  • West Midlands Fire Service