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Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews

Publication of Working Together 2018 (updated 2023) brought about the new Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements introducing national and local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews to replace Serious Case Reviews (SCRs).

Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership (DSPP) has a responsibility to ensure, as far as possible, the safety of children and young people within the context of the services they provide. Significant Safeguarding Incidents, when they do occur, can cause pain and suffering to those directly involved, have the potential to generate media interest and undermine public confidence in the system.

It is therefore essential that DSPP has an established system in place for dealing with Significant Safeguarding Incidents. DSPP will:

  • determine the terms of reference;
  • appoint an independent reviewer;
  • involve the young people and their families, as well as practitioners;
  • agree recommendations, action plans and the final report.

Each agency contributing to a review is required to produce an action plan to ensure they meet the recommendations made for their agency. Progress on these actions is monitored and reported to the DSPP Learning and Improvement subgroup with oversight of quality assurance.

Supporting Documents 

Published Reviews 

DSPP produce a briefing for each review, these can be accessed on our Learning from Reviews page.